Zudans Eye Blog
Why do ophthalmologists live ten years longer than other physicians?
Did you know that approximately 25% of people with no ocular symptoms have underlying conditions requiring management? A simple screening visit can detect various eye disorders, including eyelid skin cancer, cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic eye disease, and more—many of which can be asymptomatic.
What Do You Call A Deer With No Eyes?
Glaucoma is a stealthy disease of the optic nerve, where prolonged high pressure can lead to irreversible damage. Like blood pressure, we can’t feel our eye pressure, making early detection challenging
How do you keep your eyes from drying out?
Dry eye isn’t just a nuisance—it’s a multifactoral condition that can significantly impact your daily comfort and vision.
What did the ophthalmologist say when the patient complained about his jokes?
Receiving an age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) diagnosis can be daunting, especially considering historical outcomes before modern therapies.
Do dogs get cataracts?
As we age, the lenses in our eyes can gradually haze, taking on a green-brown tint like built-in sunglasses. Known as cataracts, this natural process affects humans and even our furry friends.
Are carrots good for your eyes?
While carrots are indeed packed with nutrients beneficial for eye health, there’s more to maintaining clear vision than just munching on carrots. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, said “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”